Obtenebris Dust Of Time (2009) [Melodic Death]
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01. Imminent assault 1:00
02. Dust of time 5:29
03. Opulence of hate 5:10
04. Skyfall 4:32
05. Kings of all 4:57
06. The enemy 4:41
07. Legion 4:48
08. Wind of souls 1:06
09. Broken arrow 4:13
10. A hundred wars 5:44
11. The night stalker 7:37
Obtenebris is currently working on new songs and is looking for a guitarist. The band has recently found a session guitarist to fill in and will continue with the promotion of the first album: ‘’Dust Of Time’’ this fall…
2003 - (April 12) The band is born
2005 - (March 9) First show ever...
2005 - (October 22) The band opens for Blinded by faith
2005 - (June 5 & 6) The band enters studio to record first demo
2005 - (July 1) The official release of the first demo
2006 - (June 16) The band opens for Stormlord, Necronomicon, & more…
2006 - (August) Obtenebris parts ways with singer Kim Greffe
2007 - (January) Obtenebris parts ways with guitarist Yves Chaussé
2007 - (February) The band continue with new guitarist Sean McGuigan
2007 - (March) Thomas Guevara joins Obtenebris as the new singer
2007 - (March to Auguts) Working on second demo: ‘’Home Recordings’’
2007 - (August 18) The official release of ‘’Home Recordings’’
2008 - (Summer) The band enters studio to record: ‘’Dust Of Time’’
2008 - (Oct. 23 to Nov. Stef D and Matt go on tour with Talamyus
2009 - (March 24) The official release of ‘’Dust Of Time’’
2009 - (March 24) The band opens for Tyr, Suidakra, Alestorm & more
2009 - (March 28) The band plays with Quo Vadis & Blackguard
2009 - (May) Obtenebris parts ways with guitarist Sean McGuigan
2009 - (June 12) The band record a new song for upcoming compilation
2009- (August 15) The band plays with Augury